Saturday, 19 August 2017

The Game of life requires forgetting and letting go - a perspective from William Arkle

ME: "My cup runneth over" and I am concerned to catch the valuable life experience and not allow it to go to waste doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. There are so many possibilities to choose from in my creative play.

GOD: You simply cannot do everything all of the time. 

Experiment and waste go together and lead to discovery, so don't become anxious about results.

Try to enjoy the process itself which allows for lateral thinking and lateral diversions. The new things are not found where you expect them to be.

We can't live "new beginnings" without letting go of the "old beginnings" and allowing them to slip away. All that is really valuable will come back to you when it is needed.

This is part of The Game of life which requires forgetting and letting go with good grace and a sense of non-importance of ones valuable Self.

So do not fear to waste your time and energy, you will never run out of them and the "Crisis" in the World is only solved by those who follow the best instincts of their Spiritual Nature.

From a short piece by William Arkle written just before he died.

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