My new book Remember the Creator
is published today (April 1st in America). The subject of the book is
summed up in the title. This is the most important thing for modern day
humanity; to remember God. But on its own, it is not enough. For what
sort of God are we remembering and how are we remembering him? It is a
cliché to say that God invented Man in his own image and ever since Man
has been returning the compliment, but such is the case. Look at modern
religion of practically any type you care to mention. People pray to
God, they talk of God but I venture to suggest that the God they address
is often one of their own imagining, conjured up from the limited
resources of their own minds and a projection of their own thoughts and
Of course,
none of us really knows God. As the absolute and eternal, he is beyond
us all. But there really is a difference between those who intuit
something of his reality because they have begun to open themselves up
to what is beyond themselves, the
truth of the transcendent, and those who may believe in something but
do so from within the context of their own minds. It's like an enclosed
circle and one in which there is a little break or opening so that the light
outside begins to seep in. We in the West can see the mental conception
of God quite clearly in Islam but it appears just as much in many
contemporary Christian churches where God has been reduced to something
like the head of a social services bureau, a non-judgemental figure preoccupied with
egalitarianism and universal friendliness rather than the Maker of
Heaven and Earth who hates sin but whose love touches like a blazing
fire that burns without hurt. Make sure that the God you remember is the
fullest expression you can conceive of Goodness, Beauty and Truth, and try to understand him in spiritual not worldly terms. Accept no lesser substitutes.
This is
also the day that the UK was supposed to have left the European Union
and regained its economic and political independence, turning back
towards its true mission in the world. For, cutting through all the
obfuscation and waffle, that is what this is all actually about.
However, the bullying potentates of the EU and the craven incompetents
of the British Government have put an at least temporary stop to that.
Not to mention the behind the scenes manipulations of civil servants and
bureaucrats whose arrogance is only matched by their complacency.
words, I know, and I'm not saying these are all bad people. Doubtless
many mean well according to their conception of things. But they see
everything in terms of this world (even the religious among them -
apparently most of the clergy and all the bishops in the Church of
England want Britain to remain in the EU), and they have no spiritual
insight or vision, substituting for that a belief in progress on the
worldly level. One must hope that their actions will make an increasing
number of people realise how completely untrustworthy the political
class and technocratic elites are. May they consequently turn to deeper
ways of engaging with the problems of life. As the outer world descends
further into illusion, remembering the Creator becomes more vital by the
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