Sunday 7 April 2019

Albion Awakening going dormant

William Wildblood and I have decided that the time has come to let this blog lie dormant, until such time as we detect some sign of our nation of Albion indeed awakening. In the meantime, we will continue to work for the awakening of individuals. 


William Wildblood said...

Just to add that I shall continue posting on my blog.

John Fitzgerald said...

Me too -

James G. said...

A shame to see you go...coming across this blog gave me a bit of hope.

But I suppose you are right, it is on the individual level that change is going to have to take place; people stuck in the same old dialectic, and don't even realise the fight is elsewhere.

Thanks for the short time I've been following. (And I do follow your other blogs nonetheless.)

JMSmith said...

Sorry to see you closing up shop. Sorry to see Britain closing up shop, too. One melancholy aspect of that is that American anglophils used to be conservatives. Now they are communists. The Americans who most admire the England that actually exists admire the worst things in the England that actually exists. It may be too late for Albion to awaken, but we can still pray for resurrection. Not that tradition is particularly spry over here.

William Wildblood said...

I hope the shop can open for business again before too long. It just seems that at the moment we have said all that can be said regarding Great Britain and its chance for some kind of spiritual revival. My feeling is that even if Brexit had gone through (and it may yet, though unlikely) not much would have changed from a spiritual perspective. However the potential might have been there. Now there is none except amongst individuals though if enough of them start to wake up a bit they may be the yeast that makes the bread rise.

Perhaps the obstruction of Britain leaving the EU may finally rouse people from their materialistic slumber. But that's when the real work needs to begin because there's no point in throwing off one set of shackles if one remains bound to an ideology that denies the reality of God.

Bruce Charlton said...

William speaks for me, exactly. It would be hard to exaggerate the shallowness of Life in Britain now; and it is this which legitimately leads to pessimism.

Adil said...

Well it has been a pleasure following you so far. Although I am not from the Isles I regard the English as the spiritual pioneers of Europe (none the least because of your perennial ties to India), thus I have looked to you for spiritual guidance and forecasts.

Best regards,

William Wildblood said...

Thank you Eric. We will still continue to post, just not here for the time being.