Saturday 5 August 2017

Comments invited - readers speak-out!

After a year; the readership, of this blog as measured by page views, is disproportionately British (compared with my personal blogs, which are all numerically and proportionately dominated by a US readership)  - and there seem to be several hundred views per day, roughly 5,000 per month (86K in total).

So far, so good...

But I have very little idea of who is reading this blog, and why?

Would regular readers of Albion Awakening care to step forward into the comments section below, and let us know? 


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I read it semi-regularly because you often link to it or cross-post at Charlton's Notions.

ted said...

I've been enjoying it myself. I particularly like the British angle on a needed spiritual revival.

Neal said...

U.S. I began because of the cross-postings and continue to read in part because of the excellent further reading recommendations---Tremor of Intent, Centuries of Meditations, Free Fall, etc.---which have very much enriched me. (Naturally I *also* hope for the awakening of the English and the British diaspora!)

saladin89 said...

I am a 27 year old from Norway. You write well and have convinced me of joining the local church and becoming a christian! I follow the aggregator and whenever your blog pops up there I click.

Steve said...

27 yr old Alaskan, white, Latter day saint, return missionary, concrete mason. I read all of Bruce Charleston works that I discovered through neorxn. Love the writing here.

charlie said...

I almost never come here to Albion's Awakening. Sometimes I browse "Bruce Charlton's Notions." This is almost my first time here, so I am outside your desired respondent sample.

I'm sure you know this but I'll mention it: Most people probably don't know what "Albion" is. I consider it a low frequency word in the lexicon of people from the USA. Like perfidy or lugubrious, or Sogdia or Bactria or Languedoc, it's a word that most people just don't know. Many in the USA probably think it's a man's given name and nothing more. Even people who got a demanding four year college degree.

Getting back to this bloated post...

Often I read something once and if I like it then periodically I return over and over again--frequently looking for a post that got lodged in my consciousness. I still return to things from "Medical Hypotheses" which are easier to find now sometimes through "Intelligence Personality and Genius."

I first discovered you when you were still leading Medical Hypotheses and had a blog on the topic.

I would say that I have less than 20 blogs that I cycle through browsing, and most of them are related to social science or current affairs, but are not especially focused on spirituality, perhaps with the exception of Rod Dreher, Spengler (David A Goldman) and Philip Jenkins.

My favorite blog in your complex of blogs is probably

"Intelligence Personality and Genius"

51 y.o. male, Upstate NY, highly educated, almost weekly attend Eastern Orthodox service. Prof, I sent you an email once and you responded, which I still appreciate.

Sam Charles Norton said...

I read all of this (using Feedly normally) and hardly ever comment. I'm very interested in all of the themes of your work.
(Church of England Rector, Deliverance ministry advisor, doing doctoral research on psychiatric diagnosis)

Bruce Charlton said...

Thanks to all the above commenters - you a more varied bunch than I had supposed!

Градската Самодива said...

Bulgarian, 35, mom of three. Hristina Beeva is the real name- I know you dislike anonymous posters, but old logs are persistent, so my online identity belongs to an old blog and has that weird name on it.

Orthodox Christian, technically speaking- it's the default for Bulgarians. Made it here through Charlton's Notions, where I got through a weird Manosphere/Red Pill blog, where I got serendipitously I don't know how. I am reading it for material on the world of the imaginal and the loss of creative imagination in modern times.

And also reading to make heads or tails of the latest processes. Bulgaria is a traditional country which was quickly accepted into the European Union. There is certainly a clash between the attempts to converge practices and thinking to that flattened, standardized Euro-bureaucratic style and a deeply seated sense of historicity and a narrative of special mission. Something vaguely felt, something that is lost right now, or even actively attacked. There are certainly enough Bulgarians who wish on our own form of Brexit...but the gravity pull is too much for a small country. So we live and see if the spirit survives- and how it will survive the attempts to squash and replace it with an unimaginative approach to life.

Bruce Charlton said...

One surprise about the above feedback is that only ted and SCN are located in Albion - whereas I know that proportionately most of our hits come from the UK. So, the internationalism of our above commenters implies that I am still largely ignorant of our 'core' readership.

Anonymous said...

Canada, working class, in my twenties. I go by Epimetheus on your home blog.

Gregory DeVore said...

American clergyman (retired) I like to read blogs which emphasize Christian spirituality.