Wednesday 16 January 2019

The Brexit balls-up is going well...

Just a topic update on the Brexit process.

I am very happy with the way that things are going - with the defeat of a fake-Brexit bill in parliament; and a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister (as if anybody in the world had 'confidence' in Teresa May!)

Because, to recapitulate, it would not have been helpful if Brexit had simply gone-through swiftly and completely using the normal democratic procedures. That would have created the illusion that the Establishment are capable of learning, and doing what needs to be done.

Whereas the sustained shambles of the Brexit 'negotiations' has been a revelation of the real nature of the British Establishment and the European Union's real intentions.

The Brexit Balls-up has been - in a word - a dose of reality; repeatedly and aggressively shoved in the faces of ordinary British people by the mass media and official communications.

The bigger the balls-up, the longer it goes on - the better!


Seijio Arakawa said...

One guess at the Providential design of the current situation: the System is being forced by a previously-unexpected situation to make difficult and definite Decisions 'in real time', and is being discredited by its complete inability to make such Decisions, in stark contrast to governments of the past. The paralysis is dragged out over some weeks and months such that 'you can't miss it' and eventually start to notice that everything is going in circles. This is obvious regardless of whether you were 'for' or 'against' Brexit in the first place.

The Providential part is that the immediate stakes of these Decisions are matters of economic and social policy rather than (as last century) a question of where bombs will be dropped......

What's interesting is that the United States is going through a parallel and very similar sort of paralysis which suggests similar conclusions. The commonwealth (Canada, Oceania) is quieter but will inevitably have to decide to go-along or go-against whichever spiritual or political principle wins this bout in the parent nations.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Seijio - I agree. Of course there (by definition) cannot be proof; but it does look as if providence is working 'behind the scenes' to attain an outcome that I cannot explain by the visible causal factors. Of course, whatever the outcome is, it can only come to good by the choices of people; but it does seem ever more obvious to me that we in Britain have been given a gift of clarification and separation of good and evil. Given that (until June 2016) we were sliding smoothly towards hell on earth, led by smug self-righteous middle managers. To see these people lose control and spray their spiteful bile on ordinary English productive people was something necessary; and the fact taht they have doubled down in their lies and manipulations makes things even more starkly perceptible. For whatever reason, I cannot shake off a genuine hope - and even a touch of optimism.

Seijio Arakawa said...

I'd put it even more starkly. A lot of people are demoralized to the point that they will calmly accept a ruler of evil motivation "because that's the way the world is". "X may not be perfect and may have ulterior motives but surely knows what he is doing," is a refrain I tend to hear about all kinds of people or institutions, with the implication that X will not pointlessly blow up a system that he wants to exploit, and X will presumably make ruthless and effective decisions to preserve his slice of the pie, and by extension the pie tin that keeps everyone else's slices of pie from falling to the floor. But the rapacious warlords and sleazy exploiters suggested by such analysis are historically precedented; what's unprecedented is the prevalence of a transcendent-evil motivation inviting people to join a suicide pact to ensure that no one shall have any pie ever.

In such circumstances, evil motivation would only cause people to think about what they want if it's revealed in combination with this kind of obvious paralysis or self-destructive incompetence.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Seijio - Agreed: "what's unprecedented is the prevalence of a transcendent-evil motivation inviting people to join a suicide pact to ensure that no one shall have any pie ever. In such circumstances, evil motivation would only cause people to think about what they want if it's revealed in combination with this kind of obvious paralysis or self-destructive incompetence."

That's well put - but needs expansion...?.